The last two months with Derrick have been busy and of course required a lot of adjustments but I sat in testimony meeting feeling so grateful for him. He is such a sweet smiley baby. He still loves to snuggle up to me and go to sleep. I love the breaks in the day when I sit down and feed him. It is the first time I haven't been completely stressed breast feeding. With this fourth child I've let myself take the time each day to enjoy him even though there is so much to do. In so many ways I feel the happiest I've ever felt and I think it's because I've finally stopped worrying so much about a lot of things that really don't matter. I'm grateful to be married to a wonderful man who I will celebrate nine years of marriage with tomarrow. He is such a great blessing to me and truly loves me unconditionally. He puts up with all my funny quirks. I still love being around him and love when he gets home each night. I am so grateful that he is the father to our four children.